
Ecologist: living day to day with copious amounts of coffee.

I am a Senior Lecturer in Plant Sciences at the University of Stirling, aided by too much chocolate and coffee.


I am fascinated by the dynamics of alien invasions, particularly big plants. Also drawn in by all that is freshwater: connectivity, dispersal and the opportunistic organisms that hitchhike along these waterways.

After a 10 year career in make-up artistry, I traded in my brushes and palettes for waders and waterproofs to pursue a research career that would get me outside as much as possible. There is something uniquely liberating about being in the field. Nothing else matters except collecting data and trying not to fall over in the rivers, or lakes (lochs) you are trying to sample!

My aim is to finally one day feel like a real scientist…even though apparently I am one. For now, I’ll keep downing humble coffee.


Environmental Sciences, University of Stirling (2012-2016)


Biological Research, Royal Holloway University of London (2011-2012)


(Hons) Environmental Ecology, Royal Holloway University of London (2008-2011)